Welcome to Your Holistic Life.
This is a place for refreshment and counselling. Learning to develop your spirit and your mind to support your life and body.
Welcome to Your Holistic Life.
This is a place refreshment and counselling. Learning to develop your spirit and your mind to support your life and body.
Welcome to Holistic Support Practices
At Holistic we come alongside you to support you through life’s challenges.

Pastoral Supervision
Pastoral Supervision is a reflective, praxis-based, planned, regular, intentional, boundaried relationship where practitioners explore ministry/work in a spiritual and theologically rich setting.
Pastoral Support
Holistic support counselling practice is a faith based professional counselling services. We acknowledge that your faith is important and relevant to your total wellbeing.

Books by Dr Ibidun B. Daramola

Crossing Boundaries in Discipleship
Emotional infidelity is one of the negative effects of increased media use and content. Advancement in technology is here to stay. It can be rich and rewarding in many ways. However, many good things also have their painful aspects. Sometimes those negative or painful parts can be destructive.
Find out how to defeat and resist these issues in your relationships and marriage.

An Essential Guide
Pastoral counseling in Africa and the West is a masterpiece but a simple read for anyone who wants to practice counseling across cultures. It enables you to understand the wide variety of cultures in which the discipline operates with their distinctiveness. It equips the readers to counsel people from different cultures in a practical manner.
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